He is the Imam of Samenul Aemeh Mosque of Tehran and holds PHD Degree in ‘’History of the Muslim Nations’’ from University of Tehran and now teaches in Imam Sadeq University of Tehran. He has played pivotal role in establishment of ‘’the history of Shiite’’ subject as Master course in universities.
Careers and activities:
1) Chief editor and manager of ‘’Andisheh Sadiq’’ Magazine
2) Member of the board of teachers and professors of Imam Sadiq University.
3) The chief of the research centre of Imam Sadiq University
4) The director of the board of lecturers of the 15th Islamic thought Seminar
5) The chief of the history and culture dept of the Islamic Sciences College of Imam Sadiq University
6) The member of the founder members of the scientific association of Islam and economic development
7) The president assistant of the Islamic Beliefs University
8) The dine of history dept of the Islamic beliefs
1) Biography of Imam Kazim
2) Islamic propaganda and the knowledge of social communication
3) Cultural life and political thought of Shiite from collapse of Bagdad to rise of Safavid
4) Coordination in compilation of the other books such as Islam and Islamic civilization
1) The basic design of propaganda
2) The Shiite event calendar
3) Cinema, a mean of propagation
4) The descriptive bibliography of propagation ( two volumes)
5) Propagation in Imam Khomeini’s view (given to the 8th Islamic Thought Conference)
6) Communication as a part of Islamic Civilization (given to the first Islamic Thought Conference)
7) Role of Shiite Muslims in development of medical science
8) An introduction to the local characteristics of cultural development of Tehran
9) Islam and Christianity, history and future (given to the seminar of coordination of Muslims and Christians)
10) The conceptual analysis of Qadir discourse
11) The traditional medias versus globalization (given to the communication and globalization conference)
12) The origins of propagation, a useful view, the 14th term of educational board of the Army Staff of Iran
13) Belief and globalization (lecture in the women seminary)
14) Religion and globalization, merits and demerits (16th conference of Islamic consolidation)