
Jame Asnagh Mosque of Sarab


The sponsor of constructing this mosque was Saheb Fakhreddin Mohammad Ben Rostam in 733 Hijri-Qamari and it was painted and designed by Malek Shah who was artist and calligrapher.

This stone mosque contains a vast courtyard, prayer hall and pool which are located in middle of the yard. Its width of the walls is around 110cm. inside of the mosque four same stone columns in two rows exist. The height of per columns is more than ten meters. Headline of the entrance gate is designed with this phrase:

«لا اله‌ اللّه‌، محمّد رسول‌ اللّه‌»

And under this phrase also a Hadis of holly prophet of Islam is written:

«قال‌ رسول‌ اللّه‌ علیه‌ افضل‌ الصلوه و اکمل‌ التحیات‌، اذا مررتم‌ بریاض‌الجنة ‌فارتعوا . قیل‌ یا رسول‌ الله‌ و ماریاض‌الجنة‌؟قال‌ المساجد و قیل‌ ماالرّتع‌ فیها قال‌ : سبحان‌ اللّه‌ و الحمداللّه‌ و لااله‌الااللّه‌ و اللّه‌اکبر و لاحول‌ و لا قوة‌ الاباللّه‌ العلی‌ العظیم‌. اللهم‌ اغفرا للمؤمنین‌ والمؤمنات‌...»



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