
Jorjir Ja’ame Mosque of Isfahan


The history of this building backs to Al-e Bouyeh dynasty and had been in present place of Hakim mosque in past. But today just a gateway is remained of the building. It was built by Saheb Ben Eba’ad and includes prayers halls (shabestan), monasteries, library and schools. In had been more beautiful than Imam Mosque but smaller.the minaret of the mosque also was built of adobe.

Moghaddasi had mentioned of a mosque with circular pillars which in south side of the mosque, there had been a tall minaret with 70m height!

The mentioned mosque seems to be Jorjir Mosque. The gateway was buried among sludge till 1335 Hijri-Shamsi. This gateway is a masterpiece in brick work and plaster work arts. The gateway is designed with arches, various brick figures and plaster work. The width size of the gateway is around 36m.

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